
如果你或你认识的人被性侵犯或性虐待,请打电话给我们. 我们可以帮忙.


我感觉身体很好。. 我需要体检吗?

It is very important to have a thorough medical examination immediately after a sexual assault, 即使你没有任何明显的身体伤害.

你可能有你不知道的伤. 大多数性侵犯受害者没有严重或危及生命的伤害. 许多受害者甚至没有明显的轻伤. 然而, you should still be examined by a healthcare provider with special training in sexual assault victim care. 你可能会受到惊吓,你可能会有你不知道的内伤. 你也可能有轻伤,比如划伤或擦伤. The healthcare provider can also document any injuries you have sustained so that if you decide to take any kind of legal action, 比如参与起诉袭击你的人, 你会有一份关于发生在你身上的事的记录.

A medical/forensic examination enables you to identify and preserve physical evidence of the assault. 考试期间, the healthcare provider can look for any assault-related injuries and collect potential evidence from your body. This evidence may be present immediately after the assault but will deteriorate as time passes.

A sexual assault can place you at risk for getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A healthcare provider can help you evaluate your risk of contracting various STIs and advise you about ways to protect yourself against these risks. One of the benefits of obtaining medical care soon after a sexual assault is that medication can be provided to help prevent some STIs.

如果你是一名女性性侵受害者, your healthcare provider can evaluate your risk of pregnancy resulting from a sexual assault. Your healthcare provider can offer you treatment to prevent pregnancy or advise you about available alternatives.

Should I have a medical examination and evidence collection even if I am unsure about making a police report?

是的. Even if you are undecided about whether you want to make a police report and unsure about whether you want your assailant prosecuted, 你应该在性侵犯发生后尽快收集证据. 这是为你的未来留有余地的最好方法. 物证在性侵案件中非常重要. Physical evidence that is present immediately after an assault will deteriorate as time passes. 如果你没有在袭击发生后立即进行检查,证据就会丢失.

在一些皇冠hga020电脑版, you can consent to a medical examination and the collection of evidence and still withhold consent to release the evidence to the police. The hospital or clinic where you have the examination may be able to store the evidence in a locked freezer and preserve the chain of custody. If you later decide to file a police report and participate in the prosecution of your assailant, 你可以在那个时候同意把证据交给警方.


The healthcare provider will usually begin by asking questions about your general health. 你还会被问及有关这次袭击的具体问题. 可能很难回忆起一些或任何细节, 回忆和谈论发生的事情可能会让人感到痛苦. Medical personnel ask specific questions to find out what to look for when they examine you. The information you give helps them to conduct a thorough physical evaluation and to optimize evidence collection. 对于女性受害者,这通常包括一个窥镜检查.

医疗保健提供者会检查伤口, 例如招标区域, 皮肤上的痕迹, 和瘀伤. 尽管许多性侵犯受害者并没有受到身体伤害, 由医疗保健提供者进行检查仍然很重要. If you do have visible injuries, you will be asked to give your consent to have photographs taken. 拍摄伤口很重要,因为伤口会随着时间愈合.

除了检查你有没有受伤, the healthcare provider can collect evidence that may be related to your sexual assault. 取决于发生的性接触的类型, 证据收集可能包括从口腔采集样本, body, 阴道, 或直肠. 其他证据可从指甲刮痕中获得, 身体上有异物, 还有你被袭击时穿的衣服.

考试完成后, the healthcare provider will document the findings in a medical record or on a sexual assault reporting form. 书面记录之后可以被传讯以协助法律程序.


You can have a support person (or persons) of your choice – such as a sexual assault victim counselor, 我的一个朋友, 或者一个家庭成员——在整个医疗过程中陪伴你.


The likelihood of getting an STI as a result of a sexual assault depends upon a number of factors, 包括发生性接触的类型, 攻击者的数量, and whether or not an assailant was infected with an STI at the time of the assault.

许多性传播感染可在性接触中感染, 包括衣原体, 淋病, 梅毒, 乙型肝炎, 疱疹, 艾滋病毒, 生殖器疣, 细菌性阴道炎, 和滴虫病. 其中一些性传播感染可获得即时和有效的治疗方案.

就在性侵犯之后, most healthcare providers offer victims two choices for dealing with the risk of STIs. 你可以选择减少感染某些性传播感染(乙型肝炎)的风险, 淋病, 梅毒, 衣原体, 细菌性阴道炎, 和滴虫病)通过立即服用药物作为预防措施, or you may wait to see if you actually contract any infections before taking medication.

Do I need to be checked for STIs after a sexual assault, even if I have no symptoms?

即使你没有任何感染的症状, 你应该在性侵犯后接受性传播感染检测. 不幸的是,感染了性传播感染却没有任何身体症状是可能的. 如果不及时治疗,大多数性传播感染会导致严重的医疗问题. Even if you choose not to have an evidentiary examination immediately after a sexual assault, you should see a healthcare provider for STI testing and information about the treatment options available to you.

我被性侵后感染艾滋病毒的几率有多大? 我应该接受测试吗??

The probability of contracting 艾滋病毒 (the virus that causes AIDS) through a single sexual contact is low. 不过, you should consult with a healthcare provider to assess your risk factors and what you can do in the unlikely event you contract 艾滋病毒 as a result of a sexual assault. 在某些情况下, the likelihood of 艾滋病毒 transmission may be reduced by preventive therapy with certain medications. After you and your healthcare provider discuss your individual risk of exposure to 艾滋病毒 following a sexual assault, your healthcare provider can advise you about whether preventive medication is recommended for you. 如果需要预防性药物治疗, 应该尽快开始, 在性侵后72小时内.

为了你自己的心安,也为了保护你的性伴侣, 大多数医疗保健提供者建议你接受这种疾病的检测. 建议随访时间为6周, 3个月, 还有性侵发生后六个月的时间.

有些州是有相关法律的, 包括皇冠hga025, that permit a criminal court judge to order a sexual assault suspect to be tested for 艾滋病毒 and other communicable diseases, 比如肝炎和梅毒, 并通知受害者检测结果. If a suspect has been arrested for your assault and you wish to have the suspect tested, ask the police investigator or the prosecutor involved in your case for information about obtaining a court order to have the assailant tested for these diseases.


Your personal risk of becoming pregnant from a sexual assault depends on many factors, 包括性侵发生时你的月经周期, 月经周期的规律性, 避孕措施的使用, 你的生育能力, 攻击者的生育能力, 以及攻击者是否在你阴道内或附近射精. 医疗保健提供者可以帮助你评估你的个人怀孕风险.

如果你有因性侵而怀孕的风险, 医疗保健提供者可以向您解释各种可用的治疗方案. 如果你选择立即治疗,以防止怀孕的风险, 如果你在袭击后72小时内寻求治疗,这些选择是最有效的.

You may also decide to wait to see if you become pregnant as a result of a sexual assault. 如果你真的怀孕了,医疗保健提供者可以和你讨论你的选择.